28 Venture Capital Questions with Hussein Kanji

28 Venture Capital Questions with Hussein Kanji

FoundersHK hosted a fireside chat (on Zoom) with Hussein Kanji with Hoxton Ventures.

Our favorite venture capitals are challenged to answer 28 rapid-fire questions from where/what/how they invest in to pitching advice for founders and more.

Hussein Kanji- Analyst at Hoxton Ventures

Moderated by:
Edith Yeung - Co-Founder of FoundersHK, General Partner at Race Capital and Advisor to 500 Startups
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We had a really fun discussion with Hussein Kanji, Hoxton Ventures! 

Here is the list of 28 VC questions we asked Hussein 😊 

What did you name your fund, Hoxton Ventures? 

Where are you located? 

What regions of the world do you concentrate on for investment? 

What stages do you invest in? 

What sectors or industries do you invest in? 

What sectors or industries do you NOT invest in? 

What big is your fund? 

What is the average size of each investment? 

How many deals do you do per year? 

Do you prefer to lead or follow? 

Do you have minimal equity ownership requirement? 

Do you require a board seat? 

If I have already raised some angel funding, is it too late to talk to you? 

We are raising Series B (or C), should I reach out to you? 

What’s your most important advice for my pitch? 

What do you look for in a founder? 

How would you describe your investment process? 

Tell me about your experience getting to this point. Pick your favorite portfolio company? And why? 

Which company did you wish you had invested? Why? 

Name your favorite founder/CEO. 

Who is your favorite investor? 

What is your favorite startup event? 

What is your favorite tech media?

 Why your firm? 

What differentiates you from the pack? 

Your portfolio founders love working with you, why? 

Would you help with future funding? 

What is the best way to get in touch with you?